GBA Flash Card Review X-ROM
 Backup and play GBA roms on Gameboy with Flash Advance Linker

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NEO Flash - NDS Flash Linker DS Card

neo flash for nds

NeoFlash Team has announced the first GBA / Nintendo DS backup unit. Currently it comes in 512M and 1024 Mega bit versions. Manufacturer suggested retail price is $199 USD for a 512Mbit version and $260 USD for the 1Gigabit version but that can change.

It is now clear that NeoFlash copier does allow you to run commercial NDS game roms. This device is essentially a DS PassMe "mod" clone and a GBA Flash cartridge - so far this combination could only run FreeWare / HomeBrew nds roms but with the Golden Sun Team resealing specially patched rom files NEO flash can play commercial games!

The way NeoFlash works is - You put a normal NDS game in the Magic Key, use Neo flash linker to upload your NDS roms games to the GBA cartridge - put it all into your Nintendo DS and play.

NeoFlash Nintendo DS flash kit Specification:

  • Memory size from 512 Mbit to 1 Gbit
  • Supports writing Game Saves to NDS cart.
  • Magic Key technology - PassMe
  • Built-in support for TXT, HTML, JPG, GIF, BMP, PNG, NES, SEGA GG, PC-E, GB, GBA in Gameboy mode and DS.GBA, NDS.GBA and NDS = NEO file formats in DSmode.
  • USB 2.0 compatible (should make the file transfers very fast)

Buy DSi R4 Flash Cards

Neo Flash Set consists of:

nds magic key neo


Neo NDS Magic Key
Pass through adapter that plugs in the DS game card sot. works analog to PassMe - use original Nintendo game to fool NDS into load unsigned code from GBA flash cartridge. (You know like Swap Magic for PSX).It looks much nicer than a PassMe as it is cased.

So Magic Key for it to work requires one original DS cartridge to be inserted in it.

When playing GBA roms on DS or Gameboy this is not necessary.

neo flash card nds roms


Neo Flash Cartridges
1G and 512M gba-cart shaped flash cartridge which can be used for both GBA and DS software. The things sticking out the top are the removable battery slot shown half way out of the cartridge.

Neo Flash card works in GBA / GBASP and DS
(so far Neo Team has used a PhotoShop edited image of a XG2 Turbo Plus)

xg2 slim loader iii


Neo Flash Linker
Also known as XG2 Slim Loader III. This is what connects to your PC and Flash Cartridge and writes GBA an NDS ROMs onto the cartridge.

Note: As you can see the Slim Loader and Flash Cartridge are analog to what XG2 makes so we think their features and capabilities in working as a GBA Flash Card will be the same. Lets just hope that we can use our XG2 cards with Magic Key.

Click here to find more NeoFlash pictures, details and our Neo Flash Review
[Or use the menu on the top right corner of this page]

Buy NDS Neo Flash at - Price: $169 USD
Buy 512M NeoFlash at - Price: €179 EUR

NeoFlash FAQ

Q: How do one load games into the blank DS cart, is there like a piece that you place the blank cart in and then connect it to your pc and then transfer the roms?
A: There is no blank DS cart ; you use an original game in the "magic key" and put the DS programs on the GBA flashcard. Game Saves are stored in the card that is in Magic Key but the game is read / executed from the flash card in the GBA slot.

Q. Can I use NeoFlash Magic Key to backup Nintendo DS games.
A. NO - at this time Neo Team has not released a device that could dump or backup NDS roms. Non the less NeoFlash team is working on DS card Game Save and ROM backup tool called
NDS USB Loader  
(NOTE: could be that GST - Golden Sun Team is already using a prototype?)

Q: What is DS PassMe
PassMeA: PassMe is a device designed by Natrium42 based off of the first DS passthrough made by DarkFader using an FPGA dev kit. It redirects the DS to a GBA Flash cart, so you can run your own program on the Nintendo DS. It requires the use of a commercial DS cart (for authentication) and a GBA Flash cart (To hold your DS program) to work.

PassMe / Magic Key gives you the ability to test your programs on the DS hardware, not just in an emulator and allows you to download demo's from the internet and play them on your DS.

Read more about the PassMe and which GBA Flash Card work with it

GBA Flash Cards Compatible with Nintendo DS

Results and Details at Nintendo DS Flash Card page


NeoFlash Review NDS Flash Card
NeoFlash 3in1 Review
Magic Key - NDS PassMe
NeoFlash DS Flash Card
USB Slim Loader III
Neo Power Kit Software
NDS ROMS on NeoFlash
GBA ROMs and Emulators
Drivers installation guide


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Latest News
Magic Key Tool for Neo

Now it is possible to dump NDS ROMS onto GBA flash card and from there backup to PC using Magickey tool for NeoFlash

Alternative Nintendo DS rom backup solutions:
MagicKey2 MK2 from Neo
G6flash 3 and PassKey
M3 Adapter - Movie Player
SuperCard DS + SuperPass
EFA Linker II GBA Mode
MagicKey 3 and Neo Max




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